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Broadcasting of the last evening of the finals of the Queen Elisabeth competition 03/06/2017 Broadcasting of the last evening of the finals of the Queen Elisabeth competition vzw Servais
Queen Elisabeth competition for cello – finals 29/05/2017 - 03/06/2017 Queen Elisabeth competition for cello – finals vzw Servais
Cello competition Edmond Baert 26/05/2017 - 27/05/2017 Cello competition Edmond Baert vzw Servais
Servais on Klara 21/05/2017 Servais on Klara vzw Servais
Talk 'An illustrated history of the cello' 18/05/2017 Talk ‘An illustrated history of the cello’ vzw Servais
Exposition ‘The Belgian School of Cello Playing’ 10/05/2017 - 20/05/2017 Exposition ‘The Belgian School of Cello Playing’ vzw Servais
Guided visit Exposition ‘The Belgian School of Cello Playing’ 10/05/2017 Guided visit Exposition ‘The Belgian School of Cello Playing’ vzw Servais
Queen Elisabeth competition for cello – first round and semi finals 08/05/2017 - 20/05/2017 Queen Elisabeth competition for cello – first round and semi finals vzw Servais
Spring Harmonies 07/05/2017 Spring Harmonies Emmanuel Feldman, cello & Sharon Community Chamber Orchestra vzw Servais
28/04/2017 - 01/05/2017 SuperCello vzw Servais
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