Godebska Misia
°Saint-Petersburg, March 30, 1872 – †Paris, October 15, 1950
Servais’ granddaughter
Misia Godebska was the daughter of Sophie Servais and Cyprien Godebski. She was a talented pianist and pupil of Gabriël Fauré. In 1893 she married Thadée Natanson, editor of La Revue Blanche. As a result, she could mingle with the highest artistic circles in Paris. She was often being portrayed by painters such as Auguste Renoir (picture at the right – The National Gallery, London), Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Pierre Bonnard and Edouard Vuillard. She was close with Stephane Mallarmé, Serge Diaghilev and Coco Chanel. Thanks to her third marriage with the famous artist José-Maria Sert, she entered history as ‘Misia Sert’.
Publications about Misia Sert: see page ‘Research’ – publications.

Maurice Ravel, La Valse (c) Servais Collection Halle

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, ontwerp voor affiche La Revue Blanche

Catalogus expo ‘Misia, Reine de Paris’ in Musée d’Orsay, 2012 (c) Servais Collection Halle

‘Misia dans sa loge’ door Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, op de cover van Smithsonian, februari 1980 (c) Servais Collection Halle